Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Books

A few new books that I'm really enjoying or have recently enjoyed:

Born Standing Up - Steve Martin
Descartes' Bones - Russel Shorto
The Best of All Possible Worlds - Steven Nadler
Warranted Christian Belief - Alvin Plantinga

Since college I had written Descartes off as a guy with one pithy phrase ("I think, therefore I am") and an outdated idea ('ghost in the machine'/soul-body complete distinction). But I've recently realized how important Descartes is for modern philosophy, and Descartes' Bones is an excellent history of the man and his philosophy, really well written by New York Times columnist Russel Shorto. Nadler's book is a sequel of sorts to the Descartes book, as it traces his line of thought and the reaction to it through three important philosophers (Malebranche, Liebnitz, Arnauld). I'm a big fan of both of these books, and they are both extremely accessible, historical, fun accounts to read.

I have a few areas of study that I want to try to blog about soon, such as whether God intervenes in life and what that might look like, and whether we actually have distinct, immaterial souls. So I'm going to try to work on that.

Oh, and the Steve Martin book is amazing. Makes me appreciate his stand-up way more than I already did.


Justmatt said...

whoa whoa whoa whoa...
You don't post for 6 months and them come back with a post that makes it sound like you've been here all along...that ain't right man - Even if you are giving good recomendations...

Seriously though...good to see you posting again!
I heart you!

Chet Harvey said...

ha... i just wanted to make sure i was back in full swing for the new season of lost in january!

Justmatt said...

Welcome home chet...welcome home

Anonymous said...

The Steve Martin book is awesome!