Monday, May 18, 2009

Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism

I'm fascinated with Alvin Plantinga's Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism, and the dialogues that it has created. Some links to some of the pieces that I like:

Plantinga's Argument (Unpublished)

Wikipedia Page on EAAN

William Alston's Critique of the Argument (from Naturalism Defeated?)

There was a debate in February between Plantinga and Dennett, unfortunately it seems from what I have read of it that Dennett was more interested in stereotype than real dialogue. There is audio of the debate available but what I've heard has been pretty poor quality.

More coming as I come across new articles.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Great Decline

"Jonathan Edwards is sometimes criticized for having too dim a view of human nature, but it may be helpful to be reminded that his grandmother was an incorrigible profligate, his great-aunt committed infanticide, and his great-uncle was an ax-murderer."

-George Marsden, Jonathan Edwards: A Life

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Tillich Companion

I saw the new Tillich book in the campus bookstore and really like the cover design. Not sure what painting that is from though.

I saw that the new NT Wright book, Justification, is out also. Horrible cover but I can't wait to read it.