Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Paper Boy

Five reasons Paperboy is the greatest video game of all time:

-It instilled a proper sense of capitalism
Paperboy was rewarded for vandalizing non-subscribers' property

-It taught a proper work ethic
Paperboy did not get any day off during the week

-It drew a clear distinction between right and wrong
Non-subscribers houses were darkened to symbolize their status as the enemy

-It taught a proper attitude toward work
When paperboy took a break on his bicycyle, killer bees attacked

-It marked a proper contrast between suburbia and the inner city
Break dancers were clearly trouble and were to be smacked with newspapers whenever possible


Justmatt said...

I love Paper boy! I have just never looked at it in this light before. Thanks for making it where can I pick me up a copy? 80s game night at my house when you get to town!

Justmatt said...

Chet -we're still waiting for your wacky wisdom on lost theology. Come join the fun!

eric minton said...

i still think the subtle genius of paperboy is the fact that 'the man' was able to take a particularly loathsome summer job and turn it into a hit video game beloved by kids worldwide...what's next? non-union textile workers for PS3, or maybe cinnabon: the game.